I focused it on the suet hanging from our platform feeder to see who would show up. Here's a collection of the best clips from today.
Ten points to anyone who can identify all of the birds in the video. An extra five points for anyone that can ID them to specific forms or subspecies (when applicable). I was really surprised by one of the birds it caught hanging off of the feeder. I totally didn't expect to see one of those doing that. It was very uncharacteristic of the species.
I spent most of the day working out at Tuzigoot National Monument today. That usually means getting a chance to find some birds I don't typically get to see over here on the east end of the Verde Valley. Namely the Verdins.

Very cool. It's basically a western version of what I get here in the east. Was that an Abert's Towhee at around the 2 min. mark?
Yup! That's the one I was surprised about. Who ever heard of a towhee hanging from a suet feeder?!?
Tomorrow I think I'm going to set it up inside Montezuma Well and get some of the waterfowl. I want to try to capture the Sora that's been spotted here, too.
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