Black Widow
Latrodectus hesperus

I readily admit that my first reaction when I saw that was to flinch. My heart started racing and that irrational, primal fear started to emerge. I knew we would eventually find some of these around our house, but I was surprised how creeped out I was by it. All I could think of as I fell asleep that night was the fact that there was a "deadly spider" living outside our home. But I know better. I'm a biologist, for crying out loud. I know that the chances of getting bit by one are almost nonexistant...unless I go out and start poking it. I am concerned about our pets getting bitten, though. Particularly Annie, due to her small size and the fact that she likes to play with crawlie things. I think it was just because it was the first one I had ever seen. Cuz tonight, as I was taking these pictures, I was much more fascinated by her than repulsed. As you can see, she really is a stunningly beautiful creature (only the females of the genus look like this...the males are less than half this size).
So, black widow spiders (this one is a western black widow) are surprisingly common throughout the United States, and even into Canada. The genus (Latrodectus) is found worldwide, with all species possessing a powerful neurotoxin (the same type of venom found in cobras and coral snakes). Despite the potency of this venom, bites from these spiders rarely result in death, due primarily to the tiny fangs (less than 1mm long) and the miniscule amount of venom injected. The bite of a black widow results in the clinical syndrome known as latrodectism (named for the genus of which these spiders belong). As the name "neurotoxin" implies, it affects the nervous system, causing convulsions and intense pain. You can compare this to hemotoxin, such as that possessed by rattlesnakes and other pit vipers, that affects the blood.
Black widows tend to prefer living in the clutter that people often surround themselves with and as a result, out of all the venomous spiders in the world, more people are bitten by them than any of the more dangerous species. However, according to Wikipedia (and if it's on Wiki, it's gotta be true), there have only been 63 confirmed deaths from black widow bites in the U.S. between 1950 and 1989. That's well under 1% of reported bite victims.
I also thought this was interesting (taken from Wiki's black widow spider page):
Improvements in plumbing have greatly reduced the incidence of bites and fatalities in areas where outdoor privies have been replaced by flush toilets. Nearly ninety percent of the black widow bites reported in the medical literature of the first 4 decades of [the twentieth] century were inflicted on the male genitalia by spiders lurking underneath the seats of outdoor toilets.Good thing there are no black widows living in Fairbanks, eh?

I dont really trust winkapidea! Did you know that any one in the world can add things to it. Well that is what my Reading teacher said that is alsomy computer teacher! You know Im not that freecked out at looking at this pictures any more! You know how you said they are in Canada well are they in Minnesota? My mom saw a hairy quarter size spider with long legs and white spots do you know what that could be.? Im glad I did not see it!!! Have fun in those temps I would be out there tanning riight now. So ummmmmmm bye
What is that Daniel guy talking about?
Cool pics... my dad found one in our backyard shed when I was a toddler, but I've never really seen one myself. But, spider + genitalia = my worst nightmare.
Shouldn't you buy a thermometer with a higher upper range? :)
So, Daniel, or should I say Spammer? Yeah, buh-bye. *deleted*
Sarah, glad to hear you're not getting as creeped out by these anymore. Seriously, even black widows shouldn't be that scary. They're so shy that you really need to harass them before they'll bite you. And, with wikipedia, while it's true that anyone can add stuff to it, if you look closely you can see lists of citations added to the bottom of some of the more reputable entries. That's a sign that the person who wrote it may actually know what they're talking about.
And, Patrick, I knew some people would, erm, enjoy(?) that story. I've lived a lot of places where black widows can be found, but this was the first one I'd ever seen. I heard an arachniologist (is that what they're called?) once say that there probably wasn't a home in southern California that didn't have at least 15 black widows living inside it. It's surprising how widespread their range really is.
And I'm hoping against hope that our thermometer will be adequate!
We have all sorts of black widows around here. You should come check them out! We had quite a few brown recluses at the farm house. Lots actually. Luckily we didn't see most of them until they were dead.
Black widows and genitalia?? Read SKINS by Adrian has a crazed black widow bite scene.
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