August 12, 2008

Getting to Know Glacier

I didn't have any new pictures to post, so here's another one from our hike on Saturday at Logan Pass.

Tomorrow I get to explore Glacier National Park as an employee for the first time. I'll be getting paid to drive over the Going to the Sun Road to visit the St. Mary Visitor Center and attend an alpine research training session one of my coworkers is presenting.

I also wanted to mention that my new commute is a drag. I have to choose between either a 2 minute walk or a 30 second bike ride between my front door and my office. Bummer, huh? At least the Red-breasted Nuthatches and Columbia ground squirrels (yes, those are the ones we used to feed at Two Medicine, Janine) keep me entertained on my way to work.

I also forgot to mention that the other evening we took Harvey and Luna for a walk down the bike path to Lake McDonald, during which we saw not one, but two black bears cross the path in front of us. They both seemed to be doing their best to ignore us as they crashed through the woods. I don't blame them, considering the bear jam they had to deal with as they crossed the park road minutes before. Surprisingly, neither Harvey nor Luna seemed all that interested in them while they were visible. Their ears perked up a bit, but there wasn't any barking or freaking out. At least until we got to the spot along the path where the bears had crossed. Then it was a whole different story.

Have I mentioned how much I love my new home?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THANKS PAUL!! I couldn't get the attachment pic of the ground squirrels to open on mt computer but I know what they look like!!! GLAD YOU LOVE YOUR NEW HOME!!!!
Nice you are so CLOSE to the office!! Hope you can stay there long term!!

:o) Hugs, Big Sister Janine